Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Good stuff from the synod on the Eucharist

I am very pleased by the reports from the synod on the Eucharist. This one from CNA touches on two items that are especially important in my mind; reception in the hand:

"Communion in the hand", he said, "is spreading and even prevailing as being easier, as a kind of fashion. ...

and receiving the need for greater focus on confession:
Bishop Rimantas Norvila of Vilkaviskis, Lithuania agreed. "Without the will or the possibility of sacramental reconciliation," he said, "it becomes impossible for Catholics to experience the most profound union with Jesus Christ and the Church, favored by the Eucharist.
"At the same time," he pointed out, "without the practice of reconciliation, subjectivism tends to increase, and it becomes more difficult to evaluate personal behavior and religiosity."

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