Friday, June 01, 2007

In geek speak, "Aaack!"

Never been a fan of Google desktop, it just seemed wrong to merge my personal files with anything resembling the internet. Guess my instinct was right on this. Beware of that man between you and your Google Desktop
Hansen, a Web application security specialist,... has figured out a way to launch man-in-the-middle attacks against a computer with a fully patched Google Desktop installed.
“This should drive home the point that deep integration between the desktop and the web is not a good idea, without tremendous thought put into the security model. As Google’s site is unencrypted, and they place their content that can run executibles [sic] on their site, it can be subverted by an attacker,” Hansen warns.
Ignoring the need for spell check and proof reading, he points out that my fears were well founded. With all security issues Google is having, I might hold off trying that Google Personal Finance program.

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