Tuesday, October 17, 2006

tackling dummy

Sometimes being a parent of multiple children is similar to playing football.  I enjoy the attempted gang tackle when I get home, but at other times it can be more like football practice. 
I remember a drill we called "machine gun" where one person lined up as a defender and the rest of the players each got a turn to try and block him.  The defender had to hit the blocker and "shuck" him off, or throw him to the side.  As he did that, another guy was on the coming at him full force.  The good ones occasionally got to take on most of the team before wearing out.  The lesser ones would do their best before the coach had mercy.
That is the way it is with several kids close together.  Just as soon as I get one lined out (spiritually, emotionally, behaviorally...) and move him to the side, another one is coming full force with a bad attitude.

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