Friday, October 27, 2006

Not the enemy

Somewhere I saw that this Sunday is Priest Appreciation day.  Whether I am correct or not, give your priest a hug, a handshake or whatever and tell him "Thank you!"
I have been listening to Fr. Corapi speak on the Sacraments on the drive to work in the morning.  Yesterday he said something that struck me.  He said that all priests are sinners and have faults, but the support of the laity is needed.  I often have mentioned we should pray for our priests, but Fr. Corapi asked that we "pray, do penance and sacrifice" for them. 

It used to be known as a sin to speak ill of a priest.  And Fr. Corapi explained how easy it is for us to kick them when they are down, stomp on them and rail against them.  But when they are down, they need our prayers the most.  I guess the point is this.  Just my wife and I have a saying when the argument turns personal and destructive rather than loving, "I am not the enemy."  This reminds us both that we are to help the other get to heaven.  Without the other, we are lost.   We must remember that when we get down on a priest for his failures.  Not that their sins are excusable, but that without them we are lost.  Without our priests, we have no Eucharist.
So as the old adage goes, "pray for your enemies."  And I will add, "and don't forget your allies either."

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