Thursday, November 16, 2006

just be honest

As this so-called JP2 generation has come of age, religious orders have begun to reach out again to young people--and to do so in the language that young people speak.
It isn't about the language young people speak.  It is about a calling.  If the youth are seeking something, they aren't going to join an order that lives "like everyone else."  A calling, especially a calling from above will lead them to something above the average, something challenging and fulfilling.
As Fr. Corapi is wont to say regarding his search for a religious order.  Many bragged about how they were modern, no habits, they went to movies and bowling…
And his response was, if I wanted to be secular, why would I join a religious order?
As Dom points out,
I look at it like I look at most youth ministry programs. If you try too hard to compete with the secular culture you can lose what makes you distinct from it.
and he is spot on about the youth groups trying to be relevant.  That is just a numbers game.  If we look only to numbers instead of souls, we are by definition, irrelevant to the cause.

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