Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Wondering about the whole mess

For those following or just confused about the Michael Shiavo getting married in a Catholic Church mess, I guess I will offer my thoughts. Domenico hits on the raw nerve with many people, my wife included

ItÂ’s very disturbing that Bishop Robert Lynch, who was so evidently absent in advocacy on behalf of Terri, would remain silent on this matter. What exactly does he think his office as apostle and shepherd requires him to do? The eyes of the entire nation and the world are looking at his diocese regarding these very difficult questions that face our culture and his response is ... nothing?

Kathy Shaidle of relapsed catholic is very shaken in regards to her own issues about marriage in the Church.

This is the definition of scandal. Actions, or in this case failure to act by the bishop, that lead others to despair or doubt the truth taught by the Church.

My advice to my wife and to Kathy is that Satan will take advantage of every opportunity to attack the Jesus and his Bride. It is obviousMichaell has sold his soul and will do whatever he can to spit in the face of the defenders of life. The bishop, by his laxity is compounding the sins of few into a scandal for many. Don't allow Satan his wish. Don't leave Peter because of Judas.

It is simple as that. Our faith is in Jesus, not the humans left to run his Church. They will have their day ofjudgmentt and we must remember to pray for them. Their failure is huge. But we cannot lose our faith in God because of the failures of men.

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